Far Infra-Red Ozone Sauna

Revitalize, recharge, radiate

Far Infra-Red Ozone Sauna

By utilizing light and heat, the infrared ozone sauna opens skin pores and enables the ozone gas to deeply penetrate tissues for maximum therapeutic benefits.

The infrared ozone sauna emits heat without significantly raising the temperature outside of the body. As the infrared light directly penetrates the skin, it does not warm the surrounding air, resulting in a more comfortable temperature compared to traditional saunas.
Far Infra-Red Ozone Sauna

Who should

The infrared ozone sauna provides various health benefits, such as improving cardiovascular health, reducing joint and muscle inflammation, promoting skin rejuvenation, aiding in post-exercise recovery, and decreasing arterial inflammation. It also helps in the safe and gentle elimination of toxins from the body by inducing sweating, and its ozone gas content disinfects the skin. Other potential benefits include improved fertility, muscle relaxation, and metabolism, as well as serving as an alternative treatment for various diseases.


Far-infrared ozone sauna
Far-infrared ozone sauna

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