Andullation Therapy

Harmonize, heal, rejuvenate

Andullation Therapy

Andullation therapy is a comprehensive method that supports overall well-being. By targeting specific organs and functions, it promotes positive effects on the body as a whole. The therapy utilizes mechanical vibrations to stimulate the venous and lymphatic systems, facilitating fluid outflow and addressing issues caused by water retention.

This innovative therapy has shown successful results in various areas, including:

Internal organ fat problems
Abdominal fat accumulation
Circulatory problems in the legs
Metabolic disorders
Fibromyalgia and rheumatic diseases
Edema-related health problems
Signs of premature aging
Sciatalgia and hernias
Constipation, headaches, and chronic stress
Sleep disorders and lymphatic circulation disorders
Andullation Therapy

Who should

Andullation therapy is beneficial for individuals who seek rapid recovery from intense physical activities, such as athletes and business owners. It is also a preferred choice for those experiencing chronic pain, as it offers effective pain relief. Additionally, the therapy aims to reduce stress, induce relaxation, and promote anti-aging effects by triggering the release of endorphins and collagen.

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